Saturday, November 7, 2015

Babylon - The Towers - "MONUMENT"


Week 10

Introduction to Ordering Principles of Architecture
Slides of Architecture and Drawings that explore Axis, Symmetry, Hierarchy, Rhythm, Repetition, Datum, and Transformation

Student will create 2 Towers that incorporates at least one ordering principle for each
Materials - 18" x 24" white paper,[Displayed VERTICAL] HB, 2B, 4B graphite pencils, kneaded eraser. Ink or Marker Optional


This week’s lecture will focus on the notions of Axis, Symmetry, Hierarchy, Rhythm, Repetition, Datum, and Transformation. While it is important to understand these concepts it is not necessary to feature all of them in single work of architecture. The purpose of the next few classes is to engage in the task of creating two towers. The reason in developing two is that it will allow for a very specific dialogue between the two structures and allow you to explore a wide variety of storytelling with your architecture.

Towers exist to provide a vantage point of lookout, perch to call out, nest to defend, spire to enlighten, cell to imprison, bell to ring, light to illuminate, beacon to warn, flag to wave, or any number of reasons that support the need of an ascending structure. Research and further understand the use and power of this type of architecture to fulfill an exhibition quality image worthy of portfolio presentation.

Architecture can be born of a story or evoke a story. The two towers from Lord of the Rings is just one set of towers. It speaks of an evil tower and a good tower that has become evil. Other stories of towers come from fairy tales that set a good kingdom against an evil kingdom. But in truth the expanse of tales can be derisive from any sort of conflict or dichotomy. Old + New, Ancient + Modern, Eroding + Constructing, Men + Women, Dwarf + Elf, Atop a Mountain + At the bottom of the Sea, or anything you can imagine that features a setting, a time, a muse or client, and a desire to tell a story with your architecture.

Consider the specific parts of a tower and craft an architecture that speaks of its foundation , it's structure, and it's spire. What materials and surface quality will it exhibit? What will it say to the people or history.

How does it meet the ground?
How does it ascend into the air?
How does it meet the sky?

How are these towers unique?
How are these towers similar?


The Two Towers


·          Create ten (10) sketch silhouette drawings before choosing a solid design for a Tower
·          Choose  three (3) of your early drawings to refine and explore possible directions for your Tower

·          Create one (1) gallery quality drawing depicting both Towers
        (Include studies as well as plans or sections to further illustrate the complexities of your Tower (Optional)

o    Consider Axis, Symmetry, Hierarchy, Rhythm, Repetition, and Transformation when exploring the notion of Tower
o   *  The Tower must have an entrance or altar (obvious or otherwise) and a lookout
o    Examine various towers to better understand form, structure, material, and articulation
o    Play with the notion of “Scale” by placing a human form somewhere in the drawing
o    Render light, shadow, pattern, and depth to highlight parts of your design

Complete:                               Assignment “Tower”                            1 drawing (including orthographic views) 
Research:                                Document a Famous City                           Select a city Europe or North America
    (Assemble images and set the stage)


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